Available in 2025
Coming Soon
The Most Simple Trading Journal
left until full release

Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about the Wait template. Find answers to the most common questions below.
What is a "simple" trading Journal
A simple trading journal is a manual tool where you actively log each trade yourself, rather than relying on automated systems. This hands-on approach encourages you to think more deeply about each trade, helping you understand your strategies, decisions, and results on a more meaningful level. By taking the time to manually record your trades, you gain better awareness of your patterns and performance, making it an essential tool for growth and self-improvement as a trader.
What makes traderah different
Traderah stands out with its clean, intuitive interface, designed to make journaling your trades simple and stress-free. Unlike automated tracking tools, Traderah focuses on manual entry, encouraging you to actively engage with each trade. This hands-on approach not only helps you stay more mindful of your decisions but also deepens your understanding of your trading patterns and strategies.
Can I use this journal for day trading
Yes you can use it for forex, crypto, option,etc.
When will it be available?
Q4 2025
How much will this cost?
$8.99 a month - $12.99
What is a "simple" trading Journal
A simple trading journal is a manual tool where you actively log each trade yourself, rather than relying on automated systems. This hands-on approach encourages you to think more deeply about each trade, helping you understand your strategies, decisions, and results on a more meaningful level. By taking the time to manually record your trades, you gain better awareness of your patterns and performance, making it an essential tool for growth and self-improvement as a trader.
What makes traderah different
Traderah stands out with its clean, intuitive interface, designed to make journaling your trades simple and stress-free. Unlike automated tracking tools, Traderah focuses on manual entry, encouraging you to actively engage with each trade. This hands-on approach not only helps you stay more mindful of your decisions but also deepens your understanding of your trading patterns and strategies.
Can I use this journal for day trading
Yes you can use it for forex, crypto, option,etc.
When will it be available?
Q4 2025
How much will this cost?
$8.99 a month - $12.99